Jason Dwane, Business Development Manager, has kindly participated in our 60-Second interview series, sharing some personal insights and valuable advice below.

How would you define what you do at Bidvest Noonan?
My role as Business Development Manager is to support our clients and build solutions to meet their soft services requirements.
What has been your best day at Bidvest Noonan?
I have had many great days in the last 8 years at Bidvest Noonan but my stand out one has to be my last day as Operations Manager before I moved into the role of Business Development Manager. We had a ‘meet the CEO’ day for our team and this gave us a chance to reflect on the last couple of years together. I felt very proud about everything we accomplished together over the years and how we had grown and developed as a team. Most of all, I was proud of how close everyone had become. I couldn’t have asked for a better team, they were the driving force behind our success.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
‘Never ask somebody to do something you are not willing to do yourself’. This is a piece of advice I have always stood by and passed on to my teams.
How do you motivate yourself and your team?
I always set small and big goals for my personal life and career. I always take on challenges to better myself. This has always been the same with teams I have been part of. Setting goals will always keep you on track and motivated.
Who or what has inspired you the most?
I have had a lot of people in my career and personal life who inspire me but most of all my young family. My main goal in life is to set good examples and be a good role model to my children. I want them to grow up being proud of their dad. They are what inspires me every day.
If you had a motto, what would it be?
Success is best when shared. I love this motto as success is always best when you have accomplished with others.