With countries around Europe easing their lock-down restrictions, management teams everywhere are planning the return to their workplaces. Before calling employees back to your facilities, ask yourself these 5 questions:
Has your facility been disinfected?
Your people may feel safer returning to the workplace if they know their facilities have been treated with the appropriate disinfectant.
Do you need to schedule a deep clean?
It’s a good idea to deep clean a premises after any prolonged vacant period. This will provide a more comfortable and hygienic environment for staff and visitors.
Can you ensure social distancing and other safety policies are observed?
Additional security officers, signage and floor markings can help ensure occupants and visitors stay safe while using your facilities.
Do you have stocks of hand sanitiser and disinfectants?
Hand washing, sanitising and disinfection will remain a top priority for some time. We have sourced supplies of a powerful disinfectant and a hand sanitiser that exceeds the 60% alcohol requirement set out by the HSE and NHS. These can be made available to you.
Do you have all the PPE you need?
You may need to stock up on personal protective equipment for your people. You may need items such as face masks and face shields.
We are here to help!
Do you want more information about the services and solutions we provide? Do you want to talk to someone about your service needs? We are here to help you. Please fill out this simple form and we will be in touch.